Thursday, February 21, 2008

What message would you give your 15-year-old self, if you could?

Just about everyday, I check out one of my favorite Chicago websites, Gapersblock. On the righthand side, there's a column called "Fuel" that posts a question for readers to respond to every couple of days. The past few days, the question has been, "What message would you give your 15-year-old self, if you could?". Pretty interesting to read some of the responses on there. Particularly, I like...

"NOTHING is really going down on your permanent record."

"Don't lose your Garry Davis "eyeball" skateboard -- in 20 years it'll be priceless."

"breathe deeply, smile, and don't worry about being perfect."

"Oh, and there are LOTS of different people in the world. Just because you were friends with the Jewish guy and the black girl in your graduating class, doesn't make you cosmopolitan."

"No one is judging you as harshly as you think they are (and if they are, so what?)"

"All of the grandiose ideas you have for moving away, becoming an writer, and living in the middle of nowhere will manifest themselves as a wife, a good job, and a home you own. You are happier with that."

...anyway, there's more. Many are dumb, but it's an interesting thing to think about, anyway.


Anonymous said...

what would you tell yourself?


Anonymous said...

wow-there are SO many messages i would have given myself at age 15, if i could go back now and tell myself a few things. interesting question! how are you guys? :) (glad you got to meet jon & amy fullmer!!)