Sunday, April 13, 2008

Things they don't do in the suburbs

Friday night, Catherine and I went to the western suburbs to meet up with our good friends Nate and Kelley at this divey little Mexican place (my kind of restaurant). Then yesterday, we went to Oak Park to read at Borders for a while. Sometimes, it's so different to be in the 'burbs that it feels worlds away. I noticed a few differences. Things they don't do in the 'burbs:

- honk when coming out of an alley (tried this one - people stare).

- tow cars (we left ours in a parking lot for several hours while we left the restaurant. A big no-no in Chicago).

- open any stores past 9pm (save Starbucks, which was surprisingly open until 11).

- charge you to park (I know a lot of these are about cars, but seriously - that's a huge deal in the city).

- walk, apparently (everything was very far apart. We would drive for empty stretches then come upon a strip of stores, then empty street again).

So, these are a little dumb, but it's very different nonetheless. Sometimes it's nice to get away from the busy, tow-friendly, open-all-night city, though.

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