This weekend we were with the rest of the country at the movie theater seeing the summer blockbusters. Friday night we went to see The Dark Knight with Eric and Emily. If you ask anyone, it was a great movie. Heath Ledger did a great job, and he was creepy as all get out. If you ask me, I should have known better. First, I hate long movies, and this one was 152 minutes. I won't bore you with my complaints because really, I might be the only one who didn't enjoy the movie... BUT the next night I went to Mamma Mia! with Mal and Sarah and LOVED IT! I guess I'm just a song and dance kind of girl. Funny that Jarrett and I saw Sweeny Todd the other day, and I liked that one too. Even though it was bloody, it was a musical, and Johnny Depp was fantastic. Maybe that is our compromise.
SO these are our days: Jarrett wakes up at 5.30 and starts to study. I sleep for a few more hours, and then we have b'fast together for J's mid-morning break. Then Jarrett studies for the next 8 hours, and I see him later in the evening. We have 9 more days of this, and I don't know who is more excited to have this all done. He's working hard, and I'm proud of him. July 29&30!!!
this is mal and I at the zoo with the giraffes :)
WHOAH, I just googled myself (self-absorbed person that I am) and found your blog. Love reading it!
I love your ability to make fun of yourself. You are so good at it.
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