Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

It's 2008, and our first official item of the new year is to watch football - lots today. Currently, Michigan and Florida are tied at 14 in the Capital One Bowl, and Tennessee just pulled out a victory over Wisconsin in the Outback Bowl.

In other news, we've not told anyone officially about our blog, and it's probably time. A couple of our friends have stumbled upon it, which is nice. The problem is, how do you tell people about a blog? Borrowing from a good friend of ours, we're going to just list our friends' names in hopes that they Google themselves and thereby find our blog. So, if that's you (and you know you do it), and you found our blog that way, PLEASE comment and let us know!

Leah Knox
Quentin McCuiston
Rachel Hackett
Arthur Hackett
Wes Jones
Jeremy Pietsch (and Stacy)
Bill Smiljanich (Katie)
Sheree Goertzen
Stacie Parlee

There's many more...maybe we'll do this again soon depending on the success of this trial. Others of you (Nate and Kelley, Eric and Emily ... we know you already found it - kudos to you).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found your blog! Facebook, procrastination, constantly checking the internet for election updates...and volia, I'm here and have skimmed some entries.

I adore blogging! Continue on...
