Monday, December 17, 2007

Last night, we had house dinner at our house. Every week, the whole house (including honorary lifetime members - Byron) gets together in one of the apartments for house dinner. When we're all there, there's seven of us. Each family brings something - main dish, salad, side item, dessert, or drinks.

Yesterday, we had Christmas dinner instead and invited a few friends. We had 11 people crowded into our dining room! It was great. We took a few before pictures, but sadly, we didn't take any pictures of the actual dinner. Too busy enjoying it, I suppose.

I do love house meals. It's a great time to intentionally catch up with one another, relax over a meal, and enjoy a good controversial topic or two (thanks, Emily). Last night was particularly nice. It's good to be with friends, and it's good to be reminded of those times when conversation is perfect, the roast beef tastes so good, and everyone enjoys each other. The Runyans blogged about it too. You can read their post here.

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