Friday, December 7, 2007

Winter is a hard time to blog. For one, we just got a massive snowstorm this week - lots of shoveling snow (for my landlords, anyway - thanks, Bill & Eric), digging the car out, and pre-warming the car so Cath can get to work. It just snowed a little bit more last night, which is actually kinda nice, because it keeps the snow looking clean and white. Soon, it will all be a slushy, gray mess. Such is winter.

In other news, you should check out this blog. The folks at Facets Multi-media are posting one holiday movie clip a day on their blog for the whole Christmas season. I can't personally vouch for the quality of the films posted, but they usually have pretty good taste.

In a similar vein, as I'm overwhelmed in studying for law school finals right now, I'm posting a video of what I wish I could do...sometimes.

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